Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal organized series of events on the occasion of 93rd ICAR foundation day on 16-07-2021. At the outset, the day started with tree plantation programme wherein all the staff members actively participated in planting of teak and Tachoma saplings in KVK instructional farm. Subsequently, as a part of Atma Nirbhar Krishi, an interaction meeting with pesticide dealers on “Role of Agro input dealers for sustainable agriculture” was held. In the meeting, Dr. S. Malathi, Programme Coordinator, KVK, Malyal addressed the gathering. Pesticide dealers were apprised of their role in bringing small changes among farmers in adoption of practices like green manuring, alternate methods of rice cultivation, use of phosphorous solubulizing bacteria, etc, which made big effect towards sustainable agriculture. Later, on successful completion of DAESI programme of the first batch from Mahabubabad district (2018-19), certificates were given to the candidates. In this programme, Sri B. Chatru Naik, DAO acted as chief guest. Dr. S. Malathi, PC and SMSs of KVK, Malyal Dr. N. Kishore Kumar, Smt. A. Ramulamma, Dr. E. Rambabu, Sri B. Kranthi Kumar, Agriculture Department Officials - ADA Sri Laxminarayana, AO Sri Tirupathi Reddy, Mahabubabad, 35 number of input dealers participated in the programme.