Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal organised digital audio conference on “Augmenting rural income- The beekeeping way” through virtual mode in collaboration with Reliance Foundation on 20-05-2021 on the occasion of World Bee Day. In this programme, Dr. S. Malathi, Programme coordinator, KVK, Malyal briefed the participants about importance of beekeeping and role of honeybees in Agriculture. Smt. A. Ramulamma SMS (Plant Protection) explained about Honey bee rearing, types of honey bees, economic importance of beekeeping and medicinal values of honey and byproducts. The Programme Coordinator apprised the participants, about tips for Vanakalam (Kharif) season preparedness in the aspects of soil testing, soil test based fertilizer usage, crop rotation, growing green manure crops before paddy, relevance of alternate methods of planting in Rice. Subsequently, the queries raised by the farmers were answered by the two experts. In this programme, 35 farmers from Warangal rural and Mahabubabad districts participated. Mr. G. Ramesh, Manager, Reliance Foundation, coordinated programme.