Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal organized “Awareness programme on High density planting system in Cotton” at KVK, Malyal on 20-05-2023. In this programme, B. Kranthi Kumar, SMS (Crop production) explained about the major concept of HDPS sowing in cotton, major differences in normal method of sowing and HDPS with respect to seed, spacing, plant population. Importance of sprayings mepiquat chloride to control the vegetative growth of plant. He suggested that sowing with pneumatic planter is easy which can reduce the labour charges.Dr. E. Rambabu, SMS(Horti), explained about measure to be taken in summer before ensuring monsoon season for raising a good crop in Vanakalam. In this programme, Dr. N. Kishore Kumar, SMS (Extension), explained about suitable varieties of paddy to grow in Vanakalam and their characters.Sri. Thirupathy Reddy, MAO, Mahabubabad and Sri. G. Veerasing, MAO, Maripeda and 42 farmers participated.