Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal organized Awareness programme on Natural farming under DAPST (TSP), 2024-25 at KVK, Malyal on 11-09-2024

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal organized Awareness programme on Natural farming under DAPST (TSP), 2024-25 at KVK, Malyal on 11-09-2024

Dr. E. Rambabu, SMS (Horticulture) briefed about importance of natural farming in the present scenario. Sri G. Ashok Kumar, Natural farming practicing farmer from Somaram village of Thorrur Mandal participated as resource person and explained about different components of Natural farming, different inputs/ingredients used in this farming towards improvement of soil health, plant health and balanced ecosystem. He emphasized on usage of cow based agro inputs for preparation of different natural farming products to control pest and diseases. He shared his experiences for Paddy cultivation in this method by using different desi varieties since 14 to 15 years. Subsequently, Sri P. Prabhakar, Natural farming practicing farmer from Somaram village of Thorrur Mandal shared his experiences towards this farming with the participants. Dr. S. Malathi, Programme Coordinator explained about importance of Natural Farming especially utilization of cow based products (Cow dung, Cow urine, etc) in the farming which helps in improvement of soil health and consequent plant health. She advised the participants to inculcate the habit of this farming atleast in small area to meet their home needs which helps in betterment of their health.