Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal organized “Base line survey and Awareness Programme on Kharif Crops” in Gurimella village of Bayyaram Mandal on 19-06-2021 from 2021-22 onwards. KVK, Malyal has adopted Gurimella village in Bayyaram mandal of Mahabubabad district. KVK, Scientists interacted with farmers and collected the data of village profile. Dr. N. Kishore Kumar, SMS (Extension) explained about different activities conducted by KVK in the district, importance of seed treatment, benefits of direct seeding methods in Rice cultivation, and weed management. Dr. S. Malathi, Programme Coordinator, KVK, Malyal, explained the concept of adopted villages. Briefed about wet direct seeding and Dry direct seeding in rice, given tips for direct seeding in Rice and motivated the farmers about subscription of PJTSAU Youtube channel. Kum. Angoth Bindu, ZP Chairperson, Chief Guest of the programme appreciated the KVK for adopting Gurimella village and requested KVK to introduce pendal system of vegetable cultivation in the village and technical feasibility of oil palm cultivation in Gurimella. In this programme Sri Laxminarayana, ADA, Sri Ramji, MAO, Bayyaram, Md. Fiaz, AEO, Smt. V. Anasuya, Sarpanch, Sri Venkanna, MPTC and 30 farmers participated. Redgram seed distributed by the DOA under NFSM during the meeting.