Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal organized “Base line survey and pre kharif awareness programmes in newly adopted villages viz., Komatapalli, Kesamudram mandal and Sreeramgiri, Nellikuduru mandal of Mahabubabad district on 09-06-2021 and 11-06-2021, respectively. The team of Subject matter specialists of KVK, Malyal participated in the baseline survey. Farmers were informed about the concept of adopted village and that in these villages, KVK would concentrate on it’s flagship extension programmes and in the coming years, the adopted villages should become model villages for having adopted new technologies of the university. Apart from this, farmers were explained about pre kharif strategies to be followed while selecting a crop, varieties, procedure to procure good quality authentic seed; water and labour saving methods of planting in rice like dry direct seeding, drum seeding; novel concepts of green manure crops before paddy & chilli; usage of Phosphorus solubilizing bacteria, etc. At Komatapalli, 24 farmers and Sri M. Venkanna, MAO and Sri Ravi Verma, AEO and at Sreeramgiri, local Sarpanch, MPTC, AEO and 48 farmers participated in the deliberations. As an adjunct to these programmes, the concept of Jalsakthi Abhiyan was explained to farmers highlighting the importance of water conservation, water saving technologies in different crops.