Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal organized Week-long campaign on “Climate smart Agriculture from 22nd to 28th May, 2023. In this campaign, awareness on climate resilient agriculture, importance of adoption of appropriate climate change mitigation technologies, Agro advisories for timely crop monitoring and millets as climate resilent crops, were, conducted covering a village each day i.e., Mahabubabad (22-05-2023 and 23-05-2023), Gandhipuram (24-05-2023) Ramachandrapuram Anganwadi center(25-05-2023), Sneha nagar Anganwadi center (26-05-2023), Choklathanda (27-05-2023) and Thallapusapalli (28-05-2023) of Mahabubabad district. In this campaign, total of 127 men and women farmers have participated.