Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal organized Demonstration cum distribution programmes of cotton stem applicators under SCSP project 2021-22 on 18-08-21

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal organized Demonstration cum distribution programmes of cotton stem applicators under SCSP project 2021-22 on 18-08-21

Programme on “Demonstration cum distribution of cotton stem applicators under SCSP project 2021-22” was organized by Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal in SCSP adopted villages of Nanchari Madoor, Kantaipalem villages of Thorrur mandal and Visampally village of Chinagudur mandal in Mahabubabad district on 18-08-2021. Smt. A. Ramulamma SMS (Plant Protection) explained about benefits, cost economics of stem application technique, how and when to do this practice and importance of stem application rather chemical sprayings in cotton for sucking pest management. Later, method demonstrations were conducted in cotton fields on stem application in respective villages. Dr. N. Kishore kumar, SMS (Extension) stated the main objective of SC Sub Plan and explained about usage of mobile apps in related to Agriculture. Later, distributed 300 no.of rolling stem applicators to SC farmers in 3 SCSP adopted villages. In this programme Smt Jamuna, AEO, Nanchari Madoor of Thorrur mandal, Smt Amani, AEO, Kantaipalem of Thorrur mandal, Sri Ankush AEO, Visampally of Chinagudur mandal, Village Sarpanchs, MPTCs of 3 villages, total 240 no. of SC farmers participated in their respective village