Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal conducted a virtual meeting to Bhupalapalle district farmers on “Awareness on DAMU Project and Activities” in collaboration with Reliance Foundation on 18-12-2021. In this programme, Smt. D. Usha Sri, SMS (Agrometeorology) informed the participants that, KVK, Malyal is implementing District Agrometeorology Unit (DAMU) with operational area of Mahabubabad, Warangal Rural, Jayashankar Bhupalapalle, Jangaon districts and is issuing weather bulletins twice a week to registered farmers through WhatsApp groups. She also briefed about the “Megdooth, Mausam, Damini” apps, their utility and explained how to download and register the apps in their mobiles. She informed about few success stories of the weather bulletins issued by DAMU during the cyclone time and how this weather forecast has helped the farmers to make decisions during seasonal unexpected rains. She also answered queries raised by farmers regarding weather app installation and registration procedure.Later, Dr. S. Malathi, Programme coordinator, KVK, Malyal remarked that farmers should make use of these weather forecast apps to take up appropriate management practices at times of weather fluctuations/aberrations in their respective crops. She pointed out that timely weather advisories would help in taking up timely measures thus increasing yield and consequent income levels. Later, farmers’ queries on Cotton/ Chilli pests & diseases were answered by the Programme Coordinator. Sri G. Ramesh, Project Manager from Reliance Foundation coordinated this programme, wherein 40 no.of farmers have participated.