Farmers training Programme was conducted by Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal on Direct Seeding in Rice” at Vissampally village of Chinnagudur Mandal in Mahabubabad district on 23-06-2021. The programme was conducted under SCSP Project, 2021-22. Smt. A. Ramulamma SMS (Plant Protection) explained about direct seeding methods in Rice cultivation, weed management and Pest management in dry direct seeding and wet direct seeding in Rice through Power point presentation and N. Kishore Kumar, SMS (Extension) explained about different activities conducted by KVK in the district and usage of mobile apps in Agriculture and motivated the farmers about subscription of PJTSAU Youtube channel and Vyavasayam monthly magazine. Dr. S. Malathi, Programme Coordinator, KVK, Malyal, briefed about the need for dry direct seeding and drum seeding in rice in the current scenario of increasing labour demand and increased cost of cultivation and interacted with farmers on the feasibility of adoption of direct seeding in the village. Sri B. Chathru Nayak, DAO, Mahabubabad, Chief Guest of the programme addressed the gathering about Departmental activities. In this programme Smt. Vijayalaxmi villge Sarpanch, Sri Ankush, AEO, Mangapathi Rao RSS mandal coordinator, Sri Devender Rao, RSS village coordinator, and 58 no. of farmers participated.