Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal organized "Training cum distribution of Blackgram (MBG-207) seed" to farmers on 26-10-2021 under NFSM-Cluster Front Line Demonstration (Pulses) programme operating at KVK, Malyal. In this programme, seed of Blackgram variety MBG-207 was distributed to 50 farmers from Kothapet and Bayyaram villages of Bayyaram Mandal, Mahabubabad district to cover 20 ha in the CFLD Rabi Blackgram programme. Sri B. Kranthi Kumar, SMS (Crop Production) explained about Blackgram production technology and characters of MBG-207 Blackgram variety. Blackgram (MBG-207) variety is resistant for yellow vein mosaic virus and having 6-8q of yield. Dr. S.Malathi, Programme Coordinator, KVK, Malyal explained the importance of NFSM, Cluster Frontline Demonstrations. She informed the farmers that NAFED has agreed to buy Blackgram and hence farmers shall take up Blackgram as an alternate crop to Paddy in Yasangi. Farmers should grow more climate resilient crops like millets, short duration Pulses in Yasangi to reap the benefits of ongoing crop diversification campaign in the state. Later, Dr. N. Kishore Kumar, SMS (Extension) explained about mandatory activities of KVK, Malyal and also explained about Annapurna Krishi Prasar Seva (AKPS). In this programme, Sri B. Ramji, MAO, Bayyaram Mandal, Sri Suresh Kumar and Sri Fiaz, AEOS of Bayyaram Mandal, total 50 no.of farmers participated.