Krishi vigyan Kendra, Malyal organized "Training cum distribution of Greengram (MGG-351) seed" to farmers on 23-10-2021 under NFSM - Cluster Front Llne Demonstration (Pulses) programme operating at KVK, Malyal. In this programme, seed of green gram variety MGG-351 was distributed to 50 farmers from Mulkanoor and Budharam villages of Garla Mandal, Mahabubabad district to cover 20 ha in the CFLD Rabi green gram programme.Sri B. Kranthi Kumar, SMS (Crop Production) explained the green gram production technology and characters of MGG-351 green gram variety. Dr. S.Malathi, Programme Coordinator, KVK, Malyal explained the importance of NFSM with special reference to pulses and reiterated that pulses are reliable alternate crops to paddy in the present growing importance of crop diversification in Yasangi. Farmers should make it a habit to grow pulses in their land in atleast one of the seasons for multiple benefits of soil fertility restoration, high returns per unit time, some profit even under contingency situations and household nutritionall security. In this programme, Sri Laximi Narayana, ADA, Mahabubabad, Sri. Ramarao, Sri.Thirupathi Reddy, MAOS of Mahabubabad, Garla mandal, respectively, AEOs of Garla Mandal - Smt. Bhavani, and Sri Rajashekar AEOs, total 50 no. of farmers participated .