Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal organized an awareness programme on “Sustainable ways to reduce environmental pollution from Agriculture” through Google meet on 05-06-2021, on the occasion of World Environment Day. Dr. S. Malathi, Programme Coordinator, KVK, Malyal briefed the participants about the theme of 2021 World Environment Day - Ecosystem Restoration and opined that it is high time that all of us especially those who are involved in Agriculture in one or the other way should play key role in Agroecosystem restoration. She suggested that judicious use of agroinputs, nutrient application to crops through both organic and inorganic sources, practicing crop management practices which do not lead to environmental pollution should be practiced to achieve this. Later, Sri B. Kranthi Kumar, SMS (Crop production) gave a powerpoint presentation on ‘Sustainable agronomic practices to reduce environmental pollution from Agriculture’ in vernacular language. He explained about the importance of incorporation of crop residues after harvest, ill effects of burning crop residues and also suggested to grow and incorporate green manures to augment nutrient status of soil. Smt. A. Ramulamma, SMS (Plant Protection) gave a powerpoint presentation on ‘Pest management methods to reduce environmental pollution’. Subsequently, queries raised by the farmers were answered by the KVK scientists. In this programme, ten officers from Dept. of Agriculture and 40 farmers from Mahabubabad and Warangal (Rural) districts participated.