Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal organized “95th ICAR foundation day and technology day” from 16th to 18th July 2023 at KVK, Malyal. As a part of these, the concept of Direct seeded paddy cultivation, alternate crops for delayed monsoon situations, production technologies of millets, women empowerment through small scale businesses like value addition to millets, tailoring and embroidery, etc were apprised to these visiting farmers and farm women.On 1st day, Smt. A.Sarala Kumari, Associate Professor (Rtd), PJTSAU acted as chief guest and delivered lecture on “Women empowerment and importance of millets in human health, Entrepreneurship development through millets”. Dr. S. Malathi, Programme coordinator, KVK, Malyal addressed the visitors and explained the need to think innovatively and diversify their agriculture to improve farm income. On 2nd day, seed of improved varieties of Paddy, Pulses, were displayed and explained by Dr. N. Kishore Kumar, SMS (Extension). On 3rd day Sri B. Chatru Naik, DAO, Mahabubabad participated as chief guest and explained about government welfare programmes, importance of millet cultivation in the district and cropping scenario of the district. On this occasion, KVK has distributed 45 stitching machines under Tribal Sub Plan and Scheduled Castes Sub Plan Projects, to the beneficiaries and 4 multipurpose flour mills were distributed to TSP project beneficiaries of DFI approved Villages of KVK, Malyal through group approach.Dr. E Rambabu SMS (Horticulture), Sri B. Kranthi Kumar SMS (Crop Production) and other KVK staff, 132 participants (35 farmers and 97 farm women from 6 self help groups) participated in the programmes.