Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal organized Kisan Mela under “Jal Shakti Abhiyan programme” on 30.11.2022 at Rythu Vedika, Narsimhulapet.

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal organized Kisan Mela under “Jal Shakti Abhiyan programme” on 30.11.2022 at Rythu Vedika, Narsimhulapet.

The progarmme started with welcoming the guests on to the dais by Dr. N. Kishore Kumar SMS (Extension). At the onset Dr. S. Malathi, Programme Coordinator explained concept of Jal Shakti Abhiyan programme and need of water conservation technologies in both agriculture and household activities. Sri. K. Shashanka Collector & District Magistrate, Mahabubabab by acted as a chief guest for the programme. In his address, he opined that farmers are nothing less than scientists as they are involved in day to day experimenting in their fields. However, they should make use of the Kisan Mela and update themselves with the latest agricultural technologies from the scientists. Farm level adoptions of technologies would give immense satisfaction to the scientists who develop such technologies. He also expressed the view that conducting a mini Kisan Mela in and around rythuvedika has fulfilled the purpose of establishing rythuvedikas. Dr. R. Uma Reddy, ADR, RARS, Warangal attended the programme and apprised the District Collector about the need of insitu crop residue management, need for alternate crops to paddy in district scenario. On this occasion, Special need based topics were delivered by experts. Sri. B. Kranthi Kumar SMS (Crop Production) explained about alternate crops to paddy in Yasangi. Dr. Ch. Damodhar Raju Principal Scientist (Plant Breeding) RARS, Warangal explained about direct seeding in rice as a water saving method. Sri. K. Suryanarayana District Horticulture & Sericulture Officer, Mahabubabad delivered a talk on micro irrigation in horticultural crops. Dr. S. Malathi, Programme Coordinator explained chilli IPM management practices. Dr. R. Uma Reddy, ADR, RARS, Warangal explained about tips on Yasangi paddy cultivation and adoption of resilient technologies. During this programme, Sri. B. Chatru Naik, District Agriculture Officer, Mahabubabad Sri. K. Shobhan Babu ADA, Maripeda, Sri. N. Ravinder MAO, Narsimhulapet, Smt. D. Usha Sri, SMS(Agromet) KVK, Malyal, Sri. M. Satyanarayana Reddy, MPDO, Narsimhulapet, Sri. K.Vivek, MRO, Narsimhulapet, Smt. V. Rajitha, Sarpanch, Narsimhulapet, Smt. T. Sushila Yadagiri Reddy, MPP, Narsimhulapet, Smt. B. Sangeetha, ZPTC, Narsimhulapet, Sri. J.Devender, Vice MPP, Narsimhulapet, Sri. S. Ramu, PACC Chairman, Narsimhulapet, Sri. A. Madhusudhan Reddy, Rythubandhu Coordinator Narsimhulapet, 2 no of AEO’s from Narsimhulapet, other staff members of KVK and 270 no. of farmers have Participated in this programme.