Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal organized “Kisan Diwas 2021” under Tribal Sub Plan, 2021-22 at KVK instructional farm (E-block) on 23-12-2021 with an objective of sharing experiences on Swachhta initiatives. Dr. E. Rambabu, SMS (Horticulture) & Co-PI of the project explained the importance about celebration of Farmer’s Day. During the programme, Dr. S. Malathi, Programme Coordinator greeted the farmers on the occasion of National Farmer’s Day and addressed the gathering. She suggested farmers to go for judicious use of all agro inputs to avoid degradation of natural resources in agricultural ecosystem. Also, she pointed out that, farmers should adopt insitu swachhta initiatives like better crop residue management by incorporation of crop residues into soil, converting of crop residues into organic manures through composting or vermicomposting, use of bio-decomposers. Sri B. Kranthi Kumar, SMS (Crop Production) spoke about tips for initial management practices in different Yasangi crops. On this occasion, felicitated 2farmers - Dharavath Venkanna from Parvathagiri village and K.Venkat Reddy from Anantharam villageof Mahabubabad district for their contribution towards farming by judicious usage of inputs,reliance on balanced nutrition. Also, they shared their experiences with the participants on farm level swachhta initiatives. During this event, apart from the KVK Scientists, awardees, 87 beneficiaries of TSP project adopted villages participated in the programme and distributed folders on “Management of fall army worm (FAW) in Maize” to the participants.