Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal organized online training programme on “Measures to initiate good flowering in Mango” through Digital audio conference in collaboration with Reliance Foundation on 29-01-2022. In this programme, Dr. S. Malathi, Programme coordinator, KVK, Malyal briefed the participants about how the present weather conditions are influencing flowering, fruiting of Mango in Telangana State. Dr. E. Rambabu, SMS (Horticulture) explained about measures to take for flower initiation, nutrient management, flower and fruit drop control, water management, pest & disease management in Mango. Later, queries raised by farmers on Mango flowering, fruiting and pest & diseases were answered by the expert. 42 farmers from Mahabubabad district participated in the audio conference and Smt. Ch. Varahalu, Project Manager from Reliance Foundation coordinated the programme.