Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal conducted Awarness Programme on “Natural Farming” under SC SP Project at Rythuvedika Narshimhulpet of Narshimhulpet Mandal, Mahabubabad District on 09-03-2023. Dr. N. Kishore Kumar, SMS (Extension) explained about importance of Natural Farming and He asserted Natural farming is one of the way to increase production, sustainability, saving of water use, improvement of soil health and farmland ecosystem. Later, Smt. D. Usha Sri, SMS (Agromet) spoke on Natural Farming offers a solution to health problems arising due to pesticide and fertilizer residue in food and water, global farming and climate change and natural calamities. Sri. T. Venakanna, Natural Farming practicing farmer from Narshimhulpet, spoke about preparation of Jeevamrutham and it utility in Agriculture. Later, He appraised his success storie of Natural Farming in Desi Paddy Varieties. In this programme, Sri. A. Rama Krishna, MAO, Narshimhulpet, Smt.D. Mounika, AEO, Kommulavancha cluster, Smt. MD. Karishma, AEO, Narshimhulpet cluster and 20 no.of farmers from Narshimhulpet Village and 12 no. of farmers from Vissampalli village have participated.