Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal conducted Awareness Programme on “Natural Farming” with special emphasis on “Promotion of cultivation of Millets” through natural farming under Tribal Sub Plan, 2022-23 at Eshwaragudem, Kothaguda Mandal on 18-03-2023. Dr. E. Rambabu, SMS (Horticulture) explained about importance of Natural Farming which helps in improvement of soil health, human health and balanced ecosystem. He emphasized that Millets being less input driven crops, are best suitable for cultivation under natural farming. He also explained about scope and importance for cultivation of Millets in the upcoming days. Later, distributed Vyavasaya Panchangam Books (20 no’s) to tribal farmer beneficiaries from this TSP adopted village. In this programme, Sri. M. Buchiramulu, RSS Coordinator, Sri T. Swamy, Upasarpanch of Eshwaragudem village, Kothaguda Mandal and 39 farmers and farmwomen from this TSP village participated.