Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal organized training programme on "Nutrient Management in Paddy" at Gundenga village of Gudur Mandal on 19-08-2022. Sri. P. Jalender Naik, SMS (Crop Production)i/c KVK, Malyal explained about Integrated Nutrient management in paddy, importance of green manure crops, use of biofertilizers and judicial application of fertilizers were highlighted. Dr. N. Kishore Kumar, SMS (Extn.) explained about the PJTSAU You tube channel, ICT tools and weed management practices in paddy. Dr. S. Malathi, Programme Coordinator, KVK, Malyal, addressed the gathering reiterated the take home points like basal application of potassium, initial care for pest management in different crops. In this programme, Sri. A. Rakesh, A.O, Gudur, Sri. J. Vijender, A.E.O, Gundenga cluster, Sri. Ravi Singh Rathod, Village Sarpanch, Gundenga, and 31 no.of farmers participated in the programme. After the training programme visited Paddy and Cotton fields, observed the crop condition and given recommendations to the farmers.