Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal organized Special Swachhata Campaign 3.0 from 02 -10-2023 to 06-11-2023

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal organized Special Swachhata Campaign 3.0 from 02 -10-2023 to 06-11-2023

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal organized Special Swachhata Campaign 3.0 from 2nd-10-2023 to 06th-11-2023. In this campaign, awareness activities on Swachhata were conducted in KVK, Malyal, Schools, Colleges, Hospitals and Other Government offices in Mahabubabad District. At KVK also, Swachhata activities like cleaning office, office premises, field sanitation in KVK instructional farm were taken up. During this camp period, weeding out of old files, closing of old files, Outdoor swachhata activities, Disposal of office scrap to free up office space was taken up at different places of mahabubabad district (KVK, Malyal office, Vikas degree college- Mahabubabad, Indian Bank- Mahabubabad, Agriculture Market committee- Mahabubabad, District Libraray- Mahabubabad, Horticulture Research station- Malyal, Primary health center- Mahabubabad). In this programme all the teaching, non-teaching staff, farm workers, other department officials (PHC Medical Officer, MRO, AMC Supervisor, District library, Librarian, Head of HRS, Malyal TS-RTC STI, RI13) have also contributed occasionally for swachhata programme through clean and green programmes and for spreading the swachhata message to the staff and public. During these programmes, a total of 36 school children, 86 college students, 15 staff members of KVK, Malyal and 31 other department officials participated.