Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal organized Technology week from 17th to 23rd November, 2022 under Tribal Sub Plan, 2022-23. In this programme, the demonstrations maintained at KVK, instructional farm like, Direct seeded Paddy, Natural farming in Paddy, Varietal cafeteria of Paddy under IRRI-PJTSAU Collaborative Project, HDPS Cotton, IPM in Chilli, Turmeric cultivation by raised bed method, HDPS in Mango, Solar Fencing to minimize monkey menace problem and Farm pond were shown to the visitors. They also visited the information centre and soil testing lab of the institute and apprised themselves of the happenings of the institute. Dr. S. Malathi, Programme Coordinator suggested the farmers to take up improved varieties, technologies and IPM methods for getting better yield and net returns. In the Valedictory session, Sri B. Chatru Naik, District Agriculture Officer, Mahabubabad participated as chief guest and addressed the gathering and advised farmers to adopt varieties, technologies disseminated by the KVK scientists and utilize services of KVK for betterment of yield and income. During this technology week, a total of 327 participants (110 farmers, 65 school children, 85 college students, 42 DAESI input dealers, 8 staff members of KVK, Malyal and 17 other department officials participated.