KVK, Malyal organized online Training Programme on “Good management practices in Oil Palm” on 13-11-2023

KVK, Malyal organized online Training Programme on “Good management practices in Oil Palm” on 13-11-2023

Dr. E. Rambabu, SMS (Horticulture) explained about good management practices in Oil Palm which includes selection of plants from nursery, method of planting, fertilizer and water management, intercrops to be grown, important pest & disease management, etc through power point presentation. He also answered the queries raised by the farmers in the present standing Oil Palm crop. Dr. S. Malathi, Programme Coordinator, KVK, Malyal explained about need for increasing area of Oil Palm crop in the district and also suggested the farmers to utilize the services from KVK, Malyal for technical aspects in Oil Palm crop. Sri Ch. Rakesh, Horticulture Office, Thorrur explained about fertigation and answered to the queries on subsidy and availability of fertilizers for drip. A total 31 farmers participated in the programme.