KVK, Malyal organized 5 days Skill training programme on “Honey production” from 22nd to 26th March, 2022 at KVK, Malyal under ARYA, 2021-22 to the Rural Youth. The training started with inaugural session on 22-03-2022 at KVK, Malyal. Dr. N. Kishore Kumar, SMS (Extension), KVK, Malyal explained about the need and importance of the programme. Dr. N. Snehalatha, SMS (Plant Protection), DDS-KVK, Zaherabad participated as resource person, topic “introduction and economics in honey production and impact of honey bees in agriculture. An exposure visit was conducted on 23-03-2022 to Apiculture Unit, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad. Smt. Seetharatnam, Faculty, Apiculture Unit explained about “importance of honey bee in agriculture” and showed “different honey products, equipment used in honey production, handling the honey bee boxes”. An exposure visit was conducted on 24-03-2022 to Madhavaram village of Suryapet district. Sri S. Aravind, Entrepreneur explained about “handling the honey bee boxes and honey extraction methods and pest and disease management in honey bee”. Sri Ravi Kumar, entrepreneur cum practicing farmer of apiculture from Eluru, Andhra Pradesh acted as resource person and gave lectures on “Migration and colony management”, “Methods of collection, processing and packing of Bee products”, “Success stories of honey entrepreneurs” “Economics in honey production” for two days i.e, on 25th and 26th March 2022. KVK, Malyal Programme Coordinator Dr. S. Malathi chaired the valedictory session on 26-03-2022. Smt. J. Anusha and Sri J. Suman, entrepreneurs cum practicing farmers of apiculture from Hyderabad participated in valedictory session and explained their success story. Later feedback was recorded from the trainees and participation certificates were distributed to the trainees. 35 no.of rural youth participated in the programme.