Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal conducted Training Programme on “Natural Farming” under Tribal Sub Plan, 2022-23 at Ootla village, Gudur Mandal on 29-03-2023. Dr. E. Rambabu, SMS (Horticulture), explained about organic inputs which help in improvement of soil health, plant health and sustained ecosystem. He emphasized on cultivation of green manure crops before Paddy, Chilli; application of FYM, Vermicompost, Neem cake, Groundnut cake to enrich soil health instead of using complex chemical fertilizers; usage of eco-friendly microbial fungicides and insecticides to avoid indiscriminate use of pesticides. He also explained concept of natural farming highlighting the usage of cow based agro inputs; scope and importance of Millets cultivation in the upcoming days & reiterated that Millet crops are best suitable for cultivation under natural farming. Later, distributed Vyavasaya Panchangam Books (20 no’s) to tribal farmer beneficiaries from this TSP adopted village.Sri S. Raju, Sarpanch, Sri B. Sriramulu, Upasarpanch of Ootla village of Gudur Mandal and 40 farmers and farmwomen participated in the programme.