Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal organized “Training cum distribution of Red gram (WRGe-97) Seed to farmers under CFLD (Pulses) 2023-24

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal organized “Training cum distribution of Red gram (WRGe-97) Seed to farmers under CFLD (Pulses) 2023-24

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal organized "Training cum distribution of Red gram (WRGe-97) seed" to farmers on 08-07-2023 & 10-07-2023 under NFSM-Cluster Front Line Demonstration (Pulses) programme operating at KVK, Malyal. In this programme, seed of Red gram variety (WRGe-97) was distributed to farmers from Mungalaveedu of Narsimhulapeta mandal and Bathulapally villages of Kothaguda Mandal, Mahabubabad district to cover 20 ha in the CFLD Kharif Redgram programme. Sri B. Kranthi Kumar, SMS (Crop Production) explained about Redgram production technology and characters of WRGe-97 Red gram variety. Redgram (WRGe-97) variety is resistant for wilt and having 6-8q of yield. He also explained about the importance of seed treatment before sowing of the crop and management practices to take up in Redgram. Later, Dr. N. Kishore Kumar, SMS (Extension) explained about mandatory activities of KVK, Malyal and also explained about Annapurna Krishi Prasar Seva (AKPS). Dr. S. Malathi, Programme Cooredinator, KVK, Malyal and 47 farmers participated in this programme.