Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal organized "Training cum distribution of Sesamum seed to farmers” on 31-01-2023

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal organized "Training cum distribution of Sesamum seed to farmers” on 31-01-2023

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal organized "Training cum distribution of Sesamum seed to farmers” on 31-01-2023 under SCSP operating at KVK, Malyal. In this programme, seed of sesame variety Swetha til (JCS-1020) was distributed to 30 farmers from Vissampalli village Chinna Gudur Mandal and Kantayapalem village, Thorrur Mandal of Mahabubabad district for summer sesame in 30 acres. Dr. S. Malathi, Programme Coordinator explained about characters of Swetha til (JCS- 1020) variety, Dr. N. Kishore Kumar, SMS (Extension) explained good agricultural practices for Sesamum growing and Dr. E. Rambabu, SMS (Horticulture) created awareness on pest and disease management in Sesamum. Later, Programme Coordinator answered the queries raised by the farmers.