Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal organized training programme on “water saving technologies” under Jal Shakti Abhiyan at Thalla ukallu village of Maripeda Mandal on 21-07-2021. Importance of Jal Shakti Abhiyan was explained by Dr. N. Kishore Kumar, SMS (Extn.) He explained that each one of us should implement rain water harvesting in fields as well as at home by constructing soak pits and explained water saving technologies in different crops. P.Jalendhar Naik, SMS (plant proction) KVK, Malyal addressed the gathering and explained the Concept of alternate methods of rice plantings, paired row maize, skip furrow irrigation, micro irrigation were highlighted. K.Shoban babu, ADA, Maripeda explained about need of water conservation technologies like farm ponds, counter buds and drip irrigation. He appeal the farmers should adopt wise water management options in agriculture, horticulture crops. After completing the training programme visited to HDPS cotton fields, green manure and vegetable crops fields (mulching in tomato and Bhendi). In this programme, Sri.Ch.seetharam Reddy, sarpanch, K.Satya narayana Reddy, MPTC Maripeda, B.Veera singh AO, Maripeda Srikanth, AEO, Thalla ukallu cluster, Md. Javeed Khan AEO, Burhanpur cluster and 45 no.of farmers participated.