Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Malyal organized an awareness programme on “Soil sample collection and soil testing” through you tube phone-in- live programme in collaboration with Reliance Foundation on 10.05.2021. Dr. S. Malathi, Programme coordinator, KVK, Malyal explained the participants about precautions to be taken under present covid-19 pandemic situation and reiterated that all the necessary care is to be followed to keep the corona attack at bay. She also explained the importance of soil testing and requested to follow the recommendations as per soil health status to ensure good crop during the ensuing season. Later, Sri. B. Kranthi Kumar, SMS (Crop production) gave a powerpoint presentation on importance of soil testing and procedure for soil sampling. Subsequently, queries raised by the farmers on the topic were answered. In this programme,120 farmers from Mahabubabad, Warangal( Rural), Karimnagar districts participated. This is the first time, KVK, Malyal has organized an awareness programme through virtual mode to disseminate timely technical messages to farmers amidst the present pandemic situation. Mr. G. Ramesh, Manager, Reliance foundation, coordinated the programme.