KVK Nizamabad has organized the Celebration of National Girl Child Day on 24-01-2022 (Monday) at adopted village Gram Panchayat Office, Rudrur, Nizamabad to promote awareness about the rights of a girl child and the importance of their education, health, and nutrition. Dr. S. Naveen Kumar, Programme Coordinator, KVK Nizamabad (Rudrur) explained about the main motto of celebrating the day is to spread awareness in our society about the need to appreciate and encourage the achievements and aspirations of a girl child. Dr. M. Swetha, SMS (Agril. Extension)explained about the Central schemes including Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao and Kishori Shakti Yojanathat started over the years to encourage more opportunities to girls with subsidised education and to reduce inequalities faced by them. Miss. B. Srilaxmi, SMS (Agro-Met), KVK Nizamabad briefed about the mobile apps helpful for the students in developing their knowledge during the present Covid Pandemic. KVK, Rudrur, Nizamabad created awareness on kitchen gardening at Anganwadi centres in view of nutri rich food supply to the children and also distributed vegetable seed kits for raising kitchen gardens through anganwadi centres. Later, Rangoli competition was held to encourage the girl students and Prizes were distributed to the winners.