Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Nizamabad conducts Training Programme to Food and Nutrition to the Farmers on 26-08-2021 at Bhavanipet Village

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Nizamabad conducts Training Programme to Food and Nutrition to the Farmers on 26-08-2021 at Bhavanipet Village

Dr. B. V. Raj Kumar, SMS, Horticulture while emphasizing the importance of food and nutrition explained that the nutrition challenge cannot be solved solely by the health sector: farmers are the first nutrient providers and the entire agri-food chain has a vital role to play. Dr. M. Swetha, SMS, Extension expressed Nutrition as the foundation for health and development of every person and discussed about the importance of nutrigardens for nutritional security and income generation. Dr. M. Suresh explained the fertilizer application in crops in relation in the nutrition of the human to ensure that the right source is applied at the right rate, at the right time, and in the right place for addressing the economic, social and environmental aspects of sustainability, all three of which are critical to sustain human health. P. Vijay Kumar discussed about the farmers nutrition and pest diseases and their control in rice and soybean crops. Sri. K. Santhosh, ADA, Bodhan explained the importance of food and nutrition to farmers.