KVK, Palem has been organized training cum input distribution programme on CFLD-Redgram on 06.09.2021 at Ippalapally, Gorita, Khnapur and Nallavelly villages of Thimmajipet, Bijinepally and Ngarkurnool mandals of Nagarkurnool dist during Kharif, 2021-22. Dr. T. Prabhakar Reddy, Programme Coordinator, KVK, Palem and the CFLD i/c Mr. Mr. B. Rajashekar, SMS, (Agricultural Extension) has explained the importance of the critical inputs and timely supply of inputs to cluster front line demonstrations on Redgram, integrated crop management technologies to obtained higher yield levels in Redgram crop. In this programme provide critical input to the CFLD-Redgram to the farmers per acre 1 lit of Neem oil 1500 ppm, a total of 50 acres were covered in different clusters of CFLD-Redgram. Mr. M. Rajashekhar, SMS, (Plant Protection) explained about integrated Pest and disease management technologies. In this programme total Agriculture officers, agriculture extension officers, 35 farmers were participated.