Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Palem one day training program on High Density Palnting Systems in Cotton (HDPS-Cotton) to Assistant Directors of Agriculture (ADAs), Mandal Agriculture Officers (MAOs) of the Nagarkurnool dist at seminar hall of KVK, Palem 0n 03.08.2022. In this program, Dr. T. Prabhakar Reddy, PC, KVK, Palem presented the importance of HDPS-Cotton, balanced usage of fertilizers. Suggested to avoid the application of complex fertilizers in split doses, in most of the cases almost all the farmers are applying complex fertilizers. By using present moisture conditions famers can apply Urea @ 20kg + Potash @ 15 kg/acre. Where ever the crop is at 40 days old recommended application of Mepiquat chloride (Chamatkar) @ 1ml/L of water, to arrest the growth& development of the crop. Mr.M. Rajashekhar (SMS-PP) spoke about the sucking pest management in HDPS-Cotton. Suggested installation of yellow sticky pads @ 20/acre, need based spraying with Flonicamide @ 0.3g/L of water. After that discussed about the vanakalam crops seasonal conditions. In this program Sri. Venkateshwarlu (DAO-NGKL), four divisions ADAs & 20 MAOs a total of 30 members of agriculture department officials participated.