Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Palem organized awareness programme on balance use of fertilizers on 18.06.2021 in virtual mode with the innovative farmers. Dr. T. Prabhakar Reddy, PC, KVK, Palem presented importance of balanced use of fertilizers without degrading of soil fertility status. Briefed about the soil sample collection methods, processing, testing and interpretation of soil samples results, urged to all the farmers about usage the fertilizers based on soil health card report instead of indiscriminate usage. Inadequate and imbalanced nutrient use coupled with neglect of organic manures has caused multi-nutrient deficiencies in Telangana soils. The management of soil fertility is going to be more crucial to supply the adequate amounts of nutrients for the targeted levels of yields in the crops. Balanced usage organic manures+ chemical fertilizers will helps the farmers to get assured yields. In this programme all the staff of KVK, Palem a total 22 farmers were participated.