KVK, Palem organized Awareness cum method demonstration on personal protective clothing in collaboration with All India Coordinated Research Project on Women in Agriculture (AICRP-WIA) on 18.01.2022 at seminar hall of KVK, Palem. The main theme of the programme is to reduce the ill effects on harmful pesticides and other health effects on agricultural workers. In this programme Dr. T. Prabhakar Reddy (PC, KVK, Palem) created awareness among the farmers about the usage of protective clothing like wearing helmets, gloves, masks, shoes and washing the used clothes in separately after spraying. Dr. T. Kamalaja & Dr. Lakshmi Pooja (Scientist, AICRP-WIA, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad) briefed about the materials used in preparation of protective clothing, requested to farmers must and should wear the protective clothing while doing any agricultural operations in their fields. Questionnaire to elicit the acceptance of PPEs designed were distributed to the farmers. A demo was organized on wearing, safety of the personal protective clothing. Mr. M. Rajashekhar SMS-PP, stressed on ill effects caused due to indiscriminate spraying and the ways and means to overcome these side effects. With regard to the usage of protective clothing, emphasis was given on the type of cloth to be used and preparing indigenously. In this programme Dr. B. Rajashekhar, Dr. Afifa Jahan and a total of 30 farmers from Khanapur and Venkatapur were participated.