KVK, Palem in collaboration with AINP on Pesticides Residues organized training cum method demonstration on safe usage of pesticides at seminar hall of KVK, Palem on 05.08.2021. The programme was chaired by Dr. Ch. Damodar Raju, ADR, RARS, Palem emphasized on precautionary measures to be taken while spraying of harmful pesticides. Dr. T. Prabhakhar Reddy (PC) briefed about ways and means of usage of harmful pesticides and stressed on spraying operations to be taken up when the pest population reaches above the ETL. Dr. G. Sridevi, Principal Scientist & Head (AINP on PR) briefed about the excessive usage of pesticides and dreadful effects on environment. Focus was also given on ill effects caused due to indiscriminate spraying and the ways and means to overcome these side effects. With regard to the usage of protective clothing, emphasis was given on the type of cloth to be used and preparing indigenously. Dr. K. Kavitha, Senior scientist (AINP-PR) created awareness among the farmers about the usage of protective clothing like wearing helmets, gloves, masks, shoes and washing the used clothes separately after spraying. A demo was organized on preparation of spraying mixtures, and spraying along with the direction of wind. In this programme Mr. M. Rajashekhar (SMS-PP) cautioned farmers about the spraying during morning hours 7:30 A.M to 9:30 A.M and during evening 4:30 P.M to 6:00 P.M. A skit was organized so that farmers are oriented on safe usage of pesticides. In this programme 40 protective clothing kits were distributed to scheduled caste (SC) farmers, a total of 48 farmers were participated.