Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Palem, RARS, Palem and DAATTC, Palem scientists conducted diagnostic filed visit to Groundnut crop in Donur and Vasupula villages of Ranipet mandal, Boinpally village of Midjil mandal and Boothpur cluster mandal . Observed the severe incidence of spodoptera and basal stem rot in groundnut crop. The following management methods were suggested to the farmers. To reduce the incidence of tobacco caterpillars suggested installation of Pheromone traps @ 4/acre, need based spraying with Indoxicarb and nuvaluran @ 1ml/L of water and to control the basal stem rot with drenching of Carbendizam + Mancozab 2.5 grams / liter water. In this visit Dr. K. Sridhar, Scientist (Agronomy), RARS, Palem, K. Ramakrishna, SMS (Crop Production), KVK, Palem, Dr. P. Archana, TOT (Scientist), DAATTC, Palem along with concern cluster AEOs and 36 progressive farmers participated.