The Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Palem has been organized training cum awareness programme on Fall army worm management in Maize to SC farmers on 15.09.2021 at seminar hall of KVK, Paelm. Dr.T. prabhakar Reddy (PC, KVK, Palem) briefed about the schedule caste- sub plan programme, informed that the main aim of the scheme is to provide the critical inputs to farmers to uplift the socioeconomic conditions. Stressed on judicious usage of nitrogenous fertilizers and cautioned about the not to apply complex fertilizers in split doses. Mr. M. Rajashekhar (SMS-PP) presented the integrated management aspects of the fall army worm in Maize. Practically demonstrated the installation of pheromone traps, informed to all the farmers spraying operation should be taken up when the traps catches > 8 adult moths three consecutive days. Recommended the preparation of poison bait by using 10kg of rice bran + 2kg jaggery+ 100g of Thiodicard, make them in the form of small balls apply in whorl during evening hours. After that distributed the Azadiractin 1500ppm (1liter) + Pheromone traps with lures (8)+ Waste decomposer (1 bottle) to each farmer. In this programme Mr. B. Rajashekar (SMS-Agril. Extension), Dr. A. Shankar (SMS-Horti) and 82 farmers from the Nandivaddeman, Manthati, Gorita, Peddapalli and Balanpally villages were participated.