KVK, Palem conducted a Diagnostic visit to Rabi Black gram field and others at Pedoor village on 08.01.2025

KVK, Palem conducted a Diagnostic visit to Rabi Black gram field and others at Pedoor village on 08.01.2025

KVK, Palem organized a diagnostic visit in Rabi blackgram fields at Pedoor (V), Telkapally (M) where multi cropping system Coconut (6 acres), Teak (40 acres), Sandal wood (40 acres) plantation, in between various fruit plants mango, amla, figs etc. was planted, Nutrigarden (Tomato, Brinjal, Chilli, spinach etc) has been adopted. Blackgram (MBG 1070) as an intercrop, the crop is at 45 days old and observed leaf webber (above ETL) suggested to spray Chlorantraniliprole @ 60 ml/acre. Sucking pest incidence particularly white fly and its associated YMV was noticed due to which crop growth is very poor. Suggested to spray with Imidacloprid @ 50 ml/ acre+ Azadiractin 1500 PPM @ 1 lit/acre and 19:19:19 @ 1kg/acre. Coconut crop is 2.5 years old and observed potassium deficiency suggested to increase the fertigation (Urea @ 54 g, 12-61-0 @ 23 g, MOP@ 100-150 g/plant), installation of micro Jet sprinklers @ 90 cm from base @ 2 no. /plant. Sweet orange crop is 3.5 years old observed water shoots and micronutrient deficienct, aphids, leaf miner suggested to spray micro nutrient mixture @ 5g/lit, Azadiractin 3000 PPM @ 5 ml/ acre, Thiamethoxam 0.3 g/lit at monthly interval, removal of water shoots. Intallation of Solar Light traps @ 1no./ acre for stem borer control in sandalwood & Teak. Removal of creeping weeds on sandalwood and citrus which obstruction the growth of the plants. In this visit Dr. T. Prabhakar Reddy, Programme coordinator, Dr. O. Shaila, SMS (Plant protection), Dr. A. Shankar, SMS (Hort.), KVK, Palem and 3 Farmers & Farm women were participated.