KVK, Palem conducted a Diagnostic field visit to Groundnut, paddy and chilli crops in Vasanthapur village on 19.12.2023.

KVK, Palem conducted a Diagnostic field visit to Groundnut, paddy and chilli crops in Vasanthapur village on 19.12.2023.

A Diagnostic field visit was conducted by the team of KVK, Palem at Vasanthapur village, Bijinepally Mandal, Nagarkurnool District visited rabi crops viz., Groundnut, paddy and chilli. Groundnut crop is at pod formation stage and the crop is severely damaged by tobacco caterpillar (above ETL), tikka leaf spot (20-25%) and rust (10-15%), suggested to spray chlorantraniliprole (Coragen) @ 60 ml/acre for tobacco caterpillar, Chlorothalonil (Kavach) @ 400g/acre for leaf spot and rust. Paddy crop is at nursery to tillering stage and observed dead hearts (severe stem borer incidence - above ETL – 5-6 adults /m2) suggested to apply chlorantraniliprole (Coragen) @ 60 ml/acre and Sprint (carbendazim + mancozeb) @ 500g/acre. Chilli crop is at fruit formation to first picking stage, observed powdery mildew (20-25%), Cercospora leaf spot (25-30%), gemini virus/leaf curl (35%) and black thrips (above ETL - 17 thrips/flower) and Zinc deficiency suggested to spray Buflanilide (Exponus) @ 34 ml/acre for thrips and installation of blue and white sticky traps @ 25+25 per acre, Myclobutanil @ 100 g/acre twice in 15 days for powdery mildew, collection and destruction of viral infected plants. In this visit Dr. T. Prabhakar Reddy, Programme Coordinator, Dr. O. Shaila, SMS (PP), Dr. B. Rajashekar, SMS (Agril. Extn), Dr. N. Lavanya SMS (Agromet) and R. Raghuvaran Singh (YP II), R. Gouthami (YP I), P. Venkatesh (YP I), M. Rajesh Kumar (YP I), B. Harish (YP I), V. Pushpalatha (YP I), KVK, Palem and 28 farmers were participated.