Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Palem, Nagarkurnool District, Telangana state, PJTSAU was organized nationwide tree plantation drive cum haritha haram and Kisan Goshti – 2021 at KVK, Palem, Nagarkurnool district on the eve of 93rd ICAR foundation day on July 16th, 2021. The importance of tree plantation on field bunds, agro forestry and agri-horti cropping system practices have explained to the farmers by Dr. Ch. Damodar Raju, ADR, RARS, Palem. Dr. T. Prabhakar Reddy, programme coordinator, KVK, Palem addressed the farmers explained trees plays important role in environmental protection and suggested tree plantation of useful forest species, fruit plants on farm bonds will cater the needs of farmers and family health by consuming the fruits. Dr. Adhi Shankar, SMS (Horticulture) further explained trees are need for environment protection, climate control and soil conservation. All KVK team viz., DR. Parimal Kumar, RARS, Palem, Dr. Adhi Shankar, SMS (Hort.), Dr. Afifa jahan, SMS (HSc.), Mr. M. Rajashekar, SMS (PP), Mr. Rajashekar, SMS (Extn) and Mr. K. Ramakrishna, SMS (CP) conducted kisan gosti on present crop situations, cultural practices, kharif preparedness, pest problem of Agri and Horti. Crops. About 32 farmers of adopted villages were participated in nationwide tree plantation drive and 100 saplings of curry leaf and drum stick distributed to the farmers by the KVK, Palem team. The KVK, Palem team planted 210 samplings in instructional farm and farm boundaries.