Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) Palem in collaboration with Nuzivedu seeds has been organized training cum awareness programme on Pink bollworm management in Bt-Cotton in virtual mode on 27.07.2021 at KVK, Palem. In this programme Dr. T. Prabhakar Reddy, PC, KVK, Palem given brief introduction about the present crop condition of Cotton and presented the good agricultural practices in Cotton cultivation. Stressed more on balanced usage of fertilizers not only reduce the cost of cultivation but also enhance the yields. Mr. M. Rajashekhar, SMS-PP explained about the how to install the pheromone traps in the farmers filed and emphasized on pheromone traps helps for monitoring the incidence of Pink bollworm in Cotton and reduce the usage of harmful pesticides. Right now crop is at flowering to boll formation stage, at this stage insisted farmers to take up the spraying with Azadiractin 1500ppm @ 5ml/L of water. If traps catches more than 8 adult moths three consecutive days recommended spraying with Thiodicarb @ 1.5g/lt of water. After that farmers raised the questions on crop seasonal conditions experts given advices as per the farmer’s problems. In this programme a total 183 farmers were participated.