Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Palem, Nagarkurnool district has organized National Compaign on Poshan Abhiyan and Tree Plantation program on 17.09.2022 at Avancha village of Thimmajipet mandal of Nagarkurnool district. The program was graced by Sarpanch shri Ajay Kumar, MPTC smt. Sharada, AEO shri Saikumar, KVK, Palem scientists Dr.Afifa Jahan, Dr.Adi Shankar, Dr.B. Raja shekhar and other officials from IFFCO and KRIPCCO. A total of 102 farmers and RAWE Students were participated. Dr B.Rajasheker (SMS, Extension) has briefed up on the progam and invited the guests on to the dais. Dr.T. Prabhakar Reddy, Programme Coordinator, KVK, Palem stressed about Kitchen Gardening and their benefits for improving the health of the farmers and farm woman. Dr.Afifa Jahan (SMS,HSc) has explained about importance of Poshan Abhiyan, nutritional garden and also explained in detail about nutri thali. Dr. A.Shankar has explained about importance of Nutri Cereals (Millets) and its cultivation. Telecasted the address of Shri.Narendra Singh Tomar, Union Minister of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India through you tube online. In this Tree Plantation program distributed 102 plants of Lemon and Pomegranate to farmers and farm women. In this programme distributed 100 vegetable kits to farmers and farm women sponsored by IFFCCO.