Krishi Vigyan Kendra Palem-Nagarkurnool district has organized a Poshan Maah 2021 program on 17-9-2021 at Mantati village of Nagarkurnool mandal of Nagarkurnool district. The program was graced by ADA shri Ramesh Babu, AO smt. Narmada, AEO shri Santosh, MPP shri Naresh, MPTC smt Nirmala, Sarpanch smt. Laxmi, Millet scientist Dr.Jhansi, Dr.Bindu, Dr. Neema, shri Vigyan (Poshan Abhiyan) incharge and 16 village local leaders along with 102 farmers, 70 adolescent girls along with other officials from IFFCO and KRIPCCO attended the progam. Mr B.Rajasheker (SMS, AG Extn) has briefed up on the progam and its importance. Dr.Afifa Jahan (SMS,HSc) has explained about importance of poshan maah, nutritional garden, health benefits and also explained in detail about nutri thali. Dr. Jhansi Rani has explained about impottance of nutri cereals (Millets) and its cultivation. In this tree plantation program 35 trees were planted in Rythu vedika campus of mantati village and distributed 1000 plants of guava, lemon and pomegranate to farmers and farm women. IFFCCO sponsored 100 vegetable kits were distributed to farmers and farm women. Millet products like millet bar were distributed to 70 adolescent girls and its nutritional importance was explained by Dr. Afifa Jahan.