KVK, Palem organized a Training programme cum Blackgram Seed distribution under SC-SP at KVK, Palem on 09.10.2023

KVK, Palem organized a Training programme cum Blackgram Seed distribution under SC-SP at KVK, Palem on 09.10.2023

KVK, Palem organized a Training programme cum Blackgram Seed distribution under SC-SP at KVK, Palem, Bijinapally (M) on 09.10.2023. Dr. T.Prabhakar Reddy, Programme Coordinator explained the importance of SC-SP with special reference to pulses and reiterated that pulses are reliable alternate crops to paddy in the present growing importance of crop diversification in Yasangi. Dr. O. Shaila, SMS (Plant Protection) explained the production technology, pest and disease management in blackgram. Dr.B.Rajashekhar (SMS, Extension) explained about the characters of GBG-1 blackgram variety to farmers. Mrs.Jyoshna (SMS, Home science) discussed about value addition opportunities in blackgram. Dr.Adhi Shankar (SMS, Horticulture) briefed about the importance of blackgram as a intercrop in mango and oilpalm crops. In this programme, seed of Blackgram (GBG 1) was distributed to 46 farmers of Yadireddypally village of Tadur Mandal for Rabi Blackgram in 46 acres. In this training, Dr.T.Prabhakar Reddy (PC, KVK, Palem), Dr.Adhi Shankar (SMS, Horticulture), Dr.O.Shaila, (SMS, PP), Dr.B.Rajashekhar (SMS, Extension), Mrs.E.Jyoshna (SMS, Home science) and 46 SC farmers were participated.