KVK, Palem organized training cum filed visit programme to DAESI dealers of Jogulamba Gadwal dist on 05-09-2021

KVK, Palem organized training cum filed visit programme to DAESI dealers of Jogulamba Gadwal dist on 05-09-2021

KVK, Palem has been organized the training cum field visit programme to Diploma in Agriculture Extension Services to Input Dealers (DAESI) of Jogulamba Gadwal district at KVK, Palem on 05.09.2021. In this programme Dr. T. Prabhakar Reddy, Programme Coordinator, KVK, Palem briefed about the on farm activities, front line demonstrations, field visits, seed production activities and demo units taken up by the KVK, Palem in erst while Mahabubnagar district. KVK conduct joint diagnostic field visits with line departments to real time assess the pest & disease scenario in the district and forewarn the farmers about the timely intervention activities. Mr. M. Rajashekhar (SMS-PP) conducted training programme on sericulture explained about the silk worm rearing, shed construction, mulberry cultivation methods, pests & disease management in mulberry & silkworms. After that practically showcased the DFLs, Mountages, cocoons and other rearing equipments. Mr. B. Rajashekar (SMS-Agril.Extn) show cased all the demo units like information centers, dash board of scrolling TV, AKPS and other farm units at instructional farm. In this progarmme a total of 40 DAESI inputs dealers from Jogulamba Gadwal district were participated.