Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Rudrur has organized virtual Training Programme through Zoom platform on Balanced Use of fertilizers in major crops for Agriculture Extension Officials and Farmers of Nizamabad and Kamareddy districts on 18th June, 2021. Dr. S. Naveen kumar, Programme Coordinator, KVK, Rudrur explained problems of indiscriminate use of fertilizers and advantages with balanced use of fertilizers. Later, Dr. M. Suresh, Scientist (Crop Production) Created awareness through Power Point presentation on Importance of soil testing, Soil sample collection procedures, nutrients management based on soil test values. These technology saves labour, less water, less drudgery, early crop maturity, low production cost. By using of balanced use of fertilizers integrated with organic fertilizers improves soil physical properties, fertility and maintain soil quality. These balanced use of fertilizers technologies consider as climate resilient (less soil and water pollution). By use of fertilizers in integrated manner along with organic components like use of biofertilizers, green manures, FYM, concentrated organic manures will improves soil biodiversity there by increases soil nutrient supplying capacity to crops. In this Zoom meeting scientists Dr. B.V. Raj kumar, Dr.M. Swetha, P.Vijay kumar, B. Sri lakshmi, and total 52 Nos participants together from Nizamabad and Kamareddy districts were participated.