Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Rudrur - Problems diagnosed in Maize & Soybean fields at Bheemgal division of the Nizamabad district on 30-07-2021

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Rudrur - Problems diagnosed in Maize & Soybean fields at Bheemgal division of the Nizamabad district on 30-07-2021

The Scientific staff of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Rudrur consisting team Dr. S. Naveen Kumar, Programme Coordinator, Dr. BV Rajkumar SMS(Horticulture), Dr. M. Swetha SMS(Agril. Extension), Dr. M. Suresh SMS(Crop production), Sri. P. Vijay Kumar SMS(Plant Protection) conducted Joint diagnostic field visit at Babapur village on 30.07.2021 along with Agriculture department officials by involving Sri. Mallaiah, ADA (Bheemgal), Smt. Lavanya, MAO (Morthad), Sri. Bhargav, AEO, Sri. Lakpathi, AEO, Sri. Ranjith, AEO, Miss. Keerthana, AEO, in Maize fields. Maize crop was inter crop in Turmeric and it was in Tasseling stage which is severely effected with Fall Army Warm (FAW) and also water logged conditions due to heavy rains incurred during last week 19.07.2021 to 25.07.2021 which resulted in Yellowing and dyeing of whole plants. In Soybean crop was in flowering stage observed with incidence stem girdler