Joint Diagnostic Field Visit in BLB infested Rice fields on 09.09.2021 by KVK, Rudrur

Joint Diagnostic Field Visit in BLB infested Rice fields on 09-09-2021 by KVK, Rudrur

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Nizamabad (Rudrur) has organized Joint diagnostic Field visit in Rice fields at Mosra Village of Mosra mandal, Nizamabad district dated 09.09.2021. Sri.P.Vijay Kumar, SMS (Plant protection) along with SMS (Crop Production), SMS (Horticulture) and Sri.Surya Kiran, Agromet observer under DAMU project organised Joint Diagnostic Field visit in Rice Fields which was in Panicle initiation to Flowering stage by involving Agrilculture department officials and observed Bacterial leaf Blight (BLB) symptoms due to prevailing weather conditions. The team offered the following suggestions for control of BLB symptoms in farmers Rice fields: Avoid Nitrogen based fertilizer application at the onset of disease outbreak. Restrict the water flow infested fields to healthy fields to avoid spread of bacterial spores through irrigation water. Application of Potash fertilisers at the rate of 10-15 kg/acre to induce resistance to plants. Spraying of Copper oxychloride @ 3gr + Agrimycin @ 0.4 gr or Plantamycin @ 0.2 gr per litre of water to control spread of the disease. In this programme KVK Scientists Dr. B.V. Raj kumar, Dr.M. Suresh, Sri.P.Vijay kumar, and Sri.Nagesh Reddy, MAO, Mosra, Sri.Prashanth, AEO.,Sri. Laxma reddy, Sri. Limba reddy, Sri.Bhaskar and other participating farmers were participated covering 24 participants in total.