KVK, Nizamabad (Rudrur) has organised Training programme on “ Water Saving Technologies under Jalshakthi Abhiyan to Tribal Farmers at Medipally Thanda village on 29.07.2021 by involving Agricultural Department officials. Dr. M.Swetha, SMS (Agril. Extension) detailed about the water saving technologies in agriculture and rain water harvesting for enhancing ground water levels.And also created awareness on ICT initiative of PJTSAU Annapurna Krishi Prasara Seva and its services to the farming community to cater the information needs. Dr. B.V. Rajkumar, SMS (Hort.) Explained about Trellis technology and drip irrigation techniques in tomato for quality produce and for getting good market price. Dr. M. Suresh, SMS (Crop production) explained the fertiliser, weed management and Water management in rice. Sri. Jeevan Reddy, AEO, Sri. L. Ravi, Sarpanch, Medipally and 35 farmers participated in the training programme.